how to watch the 2016 orionids
Look NE, towards the constellation Orion
key info:
- Peaks the night of October 20th/morning of October 21st
- Best viewed between 1am and 4am
- Visible from both hemispheres
- Look north-east as the meteors will seem to radiate from the constellation Orion (the Hunter)
- This major meteor shower that normally produces around 10-20 per hour
- However, there will be less visible meteors in 2016 due to a waning gibbous moon.
The Orionids are regarded as a major meteor shower. When the conditions are clear and dark, you can expect to see up to 20 meteors per hour.
However, this year the waning gibbous moon (with more than half it’s surface illuminated) will be in the sky almost all night long.
Unfortunately, that means the moonlight will really impede on this year’s Orionid meteor display. Because the moon will be so bright, that you won’t be able to see as many shooting stars.
For more tips, check out The StarScenes Guide for Watching Meteor Showers.
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