October Supermoon

how to watch the October Supermoon

There’s another Supermoon coming up on the 16th of October.

What’s so special about a Supermoon? When’s the best time to view a Supermoon?

Read on to find out.

what is a Supermoon?

A Supermoon is a special kind of full moon.

The moon’s orbit is elliptical, which means sometimes the moon is closer to Earth than usual.

We call it a Supermoon when a full moon occurs when it’s closest to Earth.

This makes it look slightly bigger, and a lot brighter than normal.

the best time to view a Supermoon

Supermoons during Northern Hemisphere winter months tend to look larger than at other times.

The best time to enjoy a Supermoon is at moonrise, when the Moon is just above the horizon.

This makes it look bigger because it’s right next to the hills, trees and buildings.

how to watch the October Supermoon

The October full moon will be rising at 6pm in the Gold Coast of Australia this year; about 5 minutes after sunset.

Click here to calculate when the moon will rise in your Place or Country.

The best place to look will be towards the East (just as the sun is setting in the West).

The October Supermoon probably won’t seem very bright at moonrise because of the remaining daylight

But if you watch it rise in the East from 6pm on the 16th of October, it will definitely look bigger than normal.

speaking of moons…

Did you know we can hand-paint you a glow in the dark moon to go with your realistic glow stars?

Bundle them together and save!


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