Tiny and Even Tinier Glow In The Dark Stars

How many glow in the dark stars do you need?

0-50 sqft bedroom250 stars
50-100 sqft bedroom500 stars
100-150 sqft bedroom750 stars
150-200 sqft bedroom1,000 stars
Home Shop Stickers Tiny and Even Tinier Glow In The Dark Stars

Tiny and Even Tinier Glow In The Dark Stars

Tiny and small night
Tiny and small nightTiny and small dayBed2 NightBed2 Dayflashlight

Mini stars to enhance your Star Ceiling

These stars are TINY! They look best paired with a pack of regular glow in the dark stars.


How many do I need?

Product Description

Create a realistic night sky in your bedroom, with these hand-crafted glow in the dark star stickers.

What’s Included?
Each 250 packet of glow in the dark stars has

  • 50+ Tiny stars (1/8″ or 3mm)
  • 200+ Milky way (mini) stars (1/16″ or 1mm)

The varying levels of brightness between the 3 glow colours is what will give your Star Ceiling a feeling of depth, as though you’re looking at the real night sky.

You can use these stars in combination with any glow in the dark stars that are already on your ceiling.

Additional Information

Number of stars

300, 600, 900, 1200

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