Glow in the dark milky way

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Home Shop Accessories Glow in the dark milky way

Glow in the dark milky way

_dsc0480_low-res_crop_dsc0474_low-res_crop_dsc0480_low-res_dsc0474_low-resglowing milky way fabric

Hand-painted Milky Way Mural for a truly magical Star Ceiling

Glowing Milky Way fabric with special star dust will add another level of realism to your Star Ceiling.



Product Description

Sprinkle your Star Ceiling with this magical milky way. By daylight, it looks like a white piece of organza fabric. But by night, it transforms into a beautiful trail of glowing star dust right above your bed!

What’s Included?

  • 2 1/4 ft wide Milky Way fabric in your choice of length
  • A handheld UV blacklight to charge your Milky Way quickly and easily

For the ultimate Star Ceiling, bundle with Realistic Glow in the Dark Stars.

Additional Information

Weight kg
Length (width is 2 1/4ft):

8ft long Milky Way, 10ft long Milky Way, 12ft long Milky Way

Delivery Info

Stars ship within 1-2 business days and are sent via DHL from Australia. Then it takes another 3 business days to get to you, and they will need to be signed for on delivery.

Please leave your phone number in the notes section of your order, so the courier company can contact you directly if they have any problems finding your address.

If you use a PO Box instead of physical address,I’ll it by standard post which takes approx 2 weeks to arrive.

If it looks like we don’t ship to your country, please contact me for a shipping price.

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